Vigilant Defense

Revolutionize Defense and Intelligence Technology

To image the whole world every day and make global change visible, accessible, and actionable.

About Garputala

Garputala Group

Established since 2003 along with Triple Canopy in US and Portugal, Garputala operated by applying the principle of strategic partnership with our clients. We believe that an integrated strategic partnership will build a solid business foundation for our clients. Garputala assists clients in building new markets, creating strategic breakthrough in terms of operations, marketing and finance in various business sectors.

Garputala is well experienced in helping to create and develop new business which can form the basis of trust for our clients looking to the future. Garputala also operates a unique capability to provide effective security solutions that enable our clients to run their operations and businesses.

Garputala Technology provides cutting-edge defense and intelligence technologies that enable our clients to achieve unmatched superiority in an ever-evolving global landscape. Along with our strategic partner We strive to be the leading force in creating advanced technologies that protect and secure our world, ensuring a safer and more connected future.

Company Value

Vision & Mission of Company

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Our vision is to revolutionize defense and intelligence technology by delivering innovative solutions that safeguard nations and empower intelligence agencies. We strive to be the leading force in creating advanced technologies that protect and secure our world, ensuring a safer and more connected future.


Our vision is to revolutionize defense and intelligence technology by delivering innovative solutions that safeguard nations and empower intelligence agencies. We strive to be the leading force in creating advanced technologies that protect and secure our world, ensuring a safer and more connected future.


Our mission is to develop cutting-edge defense and intelligence technologies that enable our clients to achieve unmatched superiority in an ever-evolving global landscape. We are committed to providing state-of-the-art solutions that enhance national security, facilitate strategic decision-making, and empower intelligence operations.


Our mission is to develop cutting-edge defense and intelligence technologies that enable our clients to achieve unmatched superiority in an ever-evolving global landscape. We are committed to providing state-of-the-art solutions that enhance national security, facilitate strategic decision-making, and empower intelligence operations.

High Frequency Satellite Data

Inform intelligence, ensure defense, prioritize resources, and act decisively with daily insights and global satellite data

Enhance Geospatial Intelligence With High Frequency Satellite Data

Inform intelligence, ensure defense, prioritize resources, and act decisively with daily insights and global satellite data.

Interception, Identification, Tracking And Data Extraction

Provides Tactical Kit suitable for vast variety of operational scenarios. from target identification, to silent data extraction. The systems are tactical, lightweight, with long ranges and high battery life, to support our clients to reach an effective operation, leveraging what Bluetooth and Wi-Fi protocol offers.

Realtime Data Streaming And Integration

Stream data integration ingests event data from across the organization, devices or platforms and makes it available in real time to support data-driven decisions to improve customer experience, minimize fraud, and optimize operations and resource utilization.

Defense & Intelligence

Global Daily Data Transforms Perceived Risk


Increase access to geospatial data with Our range of scalable satellite solutions. Our PlanetScope constellation monitors the Earth’s entire landmass and strategic areas of interest every day at 3.7 meter resolution, and the SkySat constellation can task collections of 50-centimeter satellite imagery sub-daily. We can Track and search borders, remote geographies, and coastal waters with an average of 2,400 images of every spot on earth’s landmass.

With Our high-frequency geospatial data, focus on areas of interest and activity, optimize limited resources, and inform decision-making and intelligence activities.

Operational Perception And Solutions

Our systems are developed in-house by our professional team. We design both hardware and software, in order to provide one tactical kit suitable for vast variety of operational scenarios. From target identification, to silent data extraction, our systems complete a full cycle of operation, while being target oriented. We bypass outdoor and indoor challenges in order to work in effective long ranges from the target.

We allow the possibility to operate our systems remotely, by sending all data to a C&C server in real time. All information can be thoroughly analyzed live, while the tactical team focuses on the operation with an easy deployment of the kit.